We intuitively channel the Gong Consciousness, to create sonic waves that alter sensory perception for deep relaxation and inner sound journeying.

What are the benefits?

Calming and balancing, the gong takes us out of normal conscious awareness to cleanse old patterns that no longer serve, reduce stress and improve sleep while increasing creativity and inspiration. Physically the circulation and endocrine systems are stimulated and toxins are released.

Why Gong?

It is known that gongs have existed since the Bronze Age. Used traditionally in ceremonial ways the gong is now more widely recognised as the truly powerful instrument of sound healing and transformation it is. Its complete range of tone and harmonics creates a sound unlike any other you will come across.

Played intuitively, gongs create overlapping resonant waves of sound which self-generate an endless series of frequencies and vibrations.

The gong is known as an instrument of transformational power. It is a tool by which we are engulfed in total sound, and through our intuition, we are brought back to optimum health and balance.

Don Conreaux

The gong sound transports us into meditative states through stimulating alpha, theta and delta brainwaves that can reawaken our creative potential and balance our systems on all levels – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.

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Gong Meditative States

The mind cannot resist the sound of a well played gong. The left thinking side of our brain succumbs to the overlapping sound waves and harmonics as it is unable to make sense of what is happening.

As the left side ‘switches off’, the right intuitive side of the brain takes over, allowing us to let go of any stresses and negativity and opening up the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual body to the possibility of change.

Let's Gong

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