Gong Baths

A gong bath is an immersive sound experience. No water involved, you are bathed in endless overlapping sound waves. The sound and vibrations from the gong travel through the body inducing altered states of awareness which can be experienced as a guided meditation, a dream like state, shamanic journeying and visions of colour.

Taking care of your physical body first is key. Most people wear loose clothing and prefer to lie on a yoga or camping mat or make a comfy ‘nest’ for themselves with blankets. We will create an ambient space with no harsh lighting but an eye mask can also help leave the outside world behind, assisting you to journey with the sound.

The gong bath will last about an hour, with time after to reflect on your experience, integrate and ground. Gongs are deeply cleansing, shifting emotional blocks. Water to hydrate afterwards is essential. We offer both individual and group gong baths.

Sound Healing

Many cultures of the world have used sound and music to heal, shift perceptions and effect change for thousands of years. Sound healing can be created using a single drum or singing bowl, to an uplifting transformative song or a full symphonic orchestra.

In our sessions the encompassing, powerful sound of the gongs form the fundamental structure and focus of the sound healing. We also use Koshi wind chimes, drums, shruti box, voice and other instruments to accompany the gongs to create the sounds and tones that your being requires to rebalance.

In a sound healing session the alchemy happens through the combined intention of the receiver, the player and the instruments. As each session is created intuitively, it is different every time.

Gong Meditative States

The gong sound induces meditative brainwave states to take us out of our normal waking consciousness where the thinking mind can be over active and dominant.

The mind cannot resist the sound of a well played gong. The left thinking side of our brain succumbs to the overlapping sound waves and harmonics as it is unable to make sense of what is happening. As the left side ‘switches off’, the right intuitive side of the brain takes over, allowing us to let go of any stresses and negativity and opening up the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual body to the possibility of change.

Gong harmonics slow down brainwaves allowing the receiver to flow effortlessly into a meditative state where personal transformation can take place. Beta brainwaves are produced in the normal active waking state. As we relax or at rest, Alpha waves are produced. Alpha is also known as the being present and ‘in the moment’ state. Theta waves are present when in deep meditation or experiencing dreaming sleep, heightened states of consciousness and visions. Lastly Delta waves are produced in the deepest meditation experiences and deep sleep. It is a very restorative state where external influences are suspended.